Energy Efficiency

5 Tips to Improve Your Home’s Efficiency This Fall

Along with changing leaves, cozy sweaters and pumpkin spice everything, fall means cooler temperatures. During this brief respite between the heat of the summer and cold of the winter, now is the perfect time to make your home more energy efficient.

Even if you’re mostly remaining at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic or not able to make significant financial investments in energy efficiency at this time, there are still many impactful steps that you can take to reduce your home’s energy consumption.

Here are five ways to improve your home’s energy e… >>

Why Energy Efficiency Is Important

Today, solar panels, electric vehicles, energy storage and other technologies are garnering a lot of attention as we look for ways to decarbonize the economy and address climate change. But there’s one important area that sometimes overlooked in this conversation: energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency means using >>

How Can You Prevent High Energy Bills During the Heat and Cold?

The dog days of summer are in full swing, and you have probably noticed some changes in your energy bills accompanying the heatwaves. COVID-19 quarantine precautions of staying at home may have also contributed to higher bills these last few months. Why do energy bills go up during extreme weather months?

There are two reasons: weather impacts how much energy you use, and ene… >>

Why Beneficial Electrification Is Important

As new technologies are developed and introduced to various aspects of our lives, it can be difficult to decide which upgrades are worth committing to. Despite previous directives to use less electricity, there’s now reason to use more as electricity generation becomes cleaner. Beneficial electrification is the process of switching your energy sources from direct fossil fuel burning to electricity, which can be generated using renewable energy and low-carbon sources.

The three main goals of beneficial electrification for consumers are lowering prices, increasing the re… >>

6 Easy Ways to Save Energy This Summer

As temperatures start to soar, energy bills also rise as you rely more on your air conditioner to stay comfortable. The amount of time almost everyone is spending inside due to COVID quarantining is also contributing to more energy use in the home. Luckily, there are many different ways to stay cool while using energy efficiently.

Here are six easy ways that you can save energy this summer:

1. Make sure your ceiling fans are rotating in the proper d… >>

4 Ways to Trim Your Energy Bills While Staying Home

While we all do our part to flatten the curve of the coronavirus pandemic, we’re all spending much more time at home, and this can make a big impact in how much energy your home’s using and, therefore, your upcoming power bills. If you anticipate needing help paying your upcoming bills, contact your power company as soon as possible – most have pledged extra assistance for customers during this unprecedented time.

However, if you’re looking to save a bit of money by cutting down your energy bills, you’re in luck – there are many actions th… >>

Should You Upgrade to LED Lighting?

Right now, there’s a fight going on over the lightbulb. At the beginning of the year, incandescent lightbulbs that didn’t meet new efficiency standards were set to be discontinued nationally. These energy-wasting bulbs – developed in part by Thomas Edison in the 19th century – use electricity to heat a wire filament until it gives off light, a highly inefficient process that results in only five percent of energy converting to visible light.

However, the U.S. Department of Energy stated in late December 2019 that they would >>

3 Ways Energy Evolved This Past Decade

As the calendar flips to a new year, it's an apt time to look back and reflect on the decade in the rear-view mirror, and for the energy industry, this means attempting to grasp the massive change that's taken place in how we produce, deliver and use energy.

Without a doubt, the 2010s have been one of the greatest periods of change since the development of electric power during the Second Industrial Revolution. Back in 2009, renewable energy was just a blip on the radar of total electricity generation (and prohibitively expensive); large-scale energy storage was a far-off pi… >>

4 Ways to Start Saving Energy This Winter

With cold weather moving in, more time spent indoors and the need to light your home for more hours of the day, winter can make a major impact on your home's total energy costs, regardless of whether you heat your home using natural gas, heating oil or electricity.

But, fortunately, there are many ways you can start saving energy around your home this winter, ranging from inexpensive (or no-cost), do-it-yourself tasks to larger investments that make take a season or two to produce a return on the investment.

Here are four ways that you can start saving energy this wi… >>

What Type of Energy Saver Are You?

Energy Tables

Saving energy can benefit everyone - but not everyone saves energy in the same way. There is a whole spectrum of ways to lower your energy bills, depending on your lifestyle and specific needs.

Do you like to keep it simple and make small changes around your home that cut down on the power bill? Or do y… >>

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